Shaftesbury is a Saxon hilltop town with a population of approx.7000. The town is prosperous and attracts tourists to visit the 1100 year old Abbey, Gold Hill and the magnificent views over the Blackmore Vale. There is a street market once a week.
The town has many special events throughout the year including Shaftesbury Fringe and ending with a Carnival Procession in late September. There is an active Arts Centre as well as many clubs and voluntary organisations in the town.
Churches Together in Shaftesbury has a strong influence, and many ecumenical services are held including an outdoor nativity at Christmas. Shaftesbury was awarded Fair Trade Town status in April 2007 and most churches including Bell Street are Fairtrade churches.
The Methodist and United Reformed Churches in Shaftesbury became Bell Street United Church in 2001 Sunday Morning worship combines Methodist and URC traditions.
We are a family church offering a warm welcome to people of all ages on the 1 st , 3 rd and 4 th Sundays children and young people have their own ‘Rise and Shine’ Group and on the 2 nd Sunday we have an ‘All Together
Service’. We offer a Bright Beginnings Parent Support Group, Clothing Exchange, Community Cafe and Sunshine Hour. Various small groups/prayer groups meet during the week, and we hold a monthly Bereavement Drop in and bi-monthly Sunday Lunch. As a town centre church, we also reach out to people in the community in need, especially with baptisms, weddings and funerals. In 2007 alterations to the entrance and interior of the church were completed to coincide with the centenary of the building. Computer projection equipment was installed to bring a new dimension to worship.
Regular Activities
Wednesday – Community Café & Clothes Exchange 10am – 12 noon
Bright Beginnings 1:45pm – 2:45pm for parents/carers and babies up to 10 months
2 nd & 4 th Thursdays – Sunshine Hour 2:30pm – 4pm
1 st Saturday of the month – Bereavement Drop In 12noon – 2pm