
You will find a warm welcome within the fellowship at Motcombe whether you are a local resident, a visitor to the Blackmore Vale or are planning to move into the area.

Situated between Shaftesbury & Gillingham, Motcombe has a population of (approx.) 1500 with a thriving Community Shop and a CofE Primary School. Village life is busy and friendly with many activities and organisations – the Methodist Church plays its part in making this a vibrant and welcoming place to live.

The church building is used almost every day.

Sunday Worship

Morning Worship – We welcome you to join us on any Sunday.

Worship is varied (traditional & contemporary) and is led by our Minister, Lay Preachers and Retired Clergy.

Holy Communion – as advertised.

Regular Events:

Open Church: Our Church Foyer is open daily from 9am to 6pm (Sundays 10am-6pm) for information, prayer requests and use of “Thank You Tree”.

Lunch Club and Soup Lunch: Tuesday, twice a month beginning at 12.30pm.

Women’s Fellowship: A Group for women that meets on the 3rd Wednesday of most months at 2.30pm, offering a mixed programme of social and spiritual themes.

Bible Study Group: Wednesday Mornings 9.45 in the church.

Little Sunbeams: Thursday mornings, term time.

Coffee Morning: – Third Friday monthly 10am – 12 Noon. With “We are Fairtrade” stall. Supporting a different charity each month.